— Muslim Alliance of Indiana

A joint Statement on the Hostage Stand-off in Colleyville, TX 

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful 

A joint Statement on the Hostage Stand-off in Colleyville, TX 

January 18, 2022

[Indianapolis, IN] The Indiana Muslim community, represented by the signatory organizations, is deeply disturbed by and strongly condemn the horrific act of holding 4 Jewish hostages at gunpoint at Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, TX last Saturday. We are grateful for the safety of the hostages, who remain in our thoughts and prayers as they heal from this terrible event.  

As demonstrated by Prophet Muhammed, peace be upon him, it is a key tenet of our faith to love, respect and foster relationships with our neighbors from other faiths. On justice, the Quran says unequivocally: O you who believe, be persistently standing firm for Allah witnesses for justice and do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being just. Be just; that is nearer to righteousness. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what you do (Qurʾān 5: 8). We reaffirm that Islam is a religion of justice, peace and calls for community building and love. Guided by those principles, Muslim communities nationwide are thriving and flourishing with and alongside their neighbors.  

We strongly believe that no one deserves to feel unsafe in their communities, let alone at their places of worship. We stand in solidarity with the local Jewish community and other faith groups, and we recommit ourselves to fighting hate in all its forms and shapes. 

Signed in peace, 

Hiba Alami, Executive Director
Indiana Muslim Advocacy Network

Fatima Hussain, Board President
Muslim Alliance of Indiana

Ismail Abdul Aleem, Imam
Masjid al-Mumineen 

Ahmed Alamine, Imam
Indianapolis Muslim Community Association

Shamaas Nyazee, Imam
Masjid E Noor 

Zaim Khalid, Gen Coordinator & Trustee
Islamic Society of Greater Lafayette

Tulha AlSalah – President
The Islamic Center of Bloomington 

Michael Saahir, Resident Imam
Nur-Allah Islamic Center

Bibi Bahrami, President
Islamic Center of Muncie

Ashhar Madni, President
Al Salam Foundation

Majdi Abusalih, President
Alhuda Foundation

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